Friday, May 24, 2013

I will be the best me I can be!

This is not how I pictured my future, when I was 6, just 30 short years ago.  Pretending to be a bride with my Strawberry Shortcake pillow case, marring Barbie and Ken and sadly Donnie and Marie (who knew they were brother and sister!)  For as long as I can remember I dreamt of the day it would be my time.  My time to have an amazing man love me unconditionally, even when I can be a brat (like my mom) or disconnected (like my dad) Still there was someone out there who, one day, was going to love me! Just Because!  Because I was cute! Because I was funny! Because I was caring! Because I have always been the best me I could be.  And as far as I was concerned, what was better than being married to the man of my dreams and wearing a white dress and having a big car take me to the church for dad to walk me down the aisle, the only thing better than that dream was that I was going to have babies, and my first daughter was going to be named “Mandy Molly” after my Cabbage Patch Kid! She was going to have pig tales too… And not to mention I was going to stay home in my beautiful house, with the white picket fence and raise the kids, clean the house, do the laundry and cook dinner for my most amazing husband.  THIS was a certainty in that little innocent 6 year old brain.   Well…. That has not happened YET!  The experiences I have had looking for my dream life have left me jaded and alone and bitter! Oh so bitter! And when I realized I had to tweak my dreams, at the age of 30 I bought a children’s clothing boutique, this was going to be my baby, I was going to make my own life, why doesn’t everyone just open a store, it was easy and fun. I chose what we sold, I chose who worked there, I chose our hours and our pricing, and it was mine, all mine.  Until it wasn’t.  Apparently you need a lot more than a big dream and great intention to own a store, like money!  This is not very easy to come by, so after a year and a half I closed my dream.  Walked away and had to start all over again.  I was dating a great guy at the time (so I thought), he offered to marry me, at the town hall, right then and there as I sobbed uncontrollably about my “failure” But I was not getting married at town hall, what about the pillow case, and  the church and the big car?  So he just let me cry it out, then he left a few months later, and I was left to cry that one out alone.  So again, I had to reinvent myself… who am I? What do I do? Questions I did not have the answers to.  So I found a job, with a great company and work in an office, in a 4x4 cube every day, all day, to make a salary to get by, punching in and out, until it’s my turn, when will it be my turn?  I have managed to fill the time waiting for my life to begin with one wrong man after another and more and more dreams getting squashed.  I have dubbed myself a commitment-phobe, it’s a great excuse for dreams to not fall apart when you don’t have any anymore.  So here I am, a 36 year old single woman, no Ken, no store, no white picket fence, no Mandy Molly and no passion.  Always asking why not me, where is my dream life, the one I was sure of when I was just 6 years old.  It’s time to get away from the pity party, if you don’t change, nothing will, right?  Now as I sit in my one bedroom apartment in my grandmothers basement, with my guinea pig (yes I have a guinea pig) I reflect on what I do have, what I have accomplished and what IS SURE TO BE AN AMAZING FUTURE… Why? Because I SAID SO!!  I have a great family, my parents what nothing but the best for me, my grandmother would move mountains for me, my 2 sisters and brother-in-laws have given me the greatest gift a woman could ever ask for, 5 nephews who are the most amazing boys you will ever meet and they just love their “Aunt Gia”  They have become my “why” Why I work so hard, Why I have dreams, why I will succeed, Why I have a guinea pig!  So I have recently gotten involved with a network marketing company, whose mission is to educate people about safe and effective products for the skin.  I own a business again! And this time I don’t have mortgage my soul to have it.  I still work my day job, for now, but I work MY BUSINESS when I want, where I want and with whomever I choose to work with.  I have made amazing friends and amazing leaps and bounds in my own personal growth.  It all stems from my favorite poem when I was in college “Comes the Dawn”  “Plant your own garden, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers”  So now I have realized life is up to me. I may not get Ken but you can bet your ass I will have my very own Mandy Molly one day, weather I go to the cryno bank or the adoption agency, I have much love to give and I would be selfish to keep it to myself.  I will have the white picket fence, and the big front door, and I will have a successful business!  And maybe even another guinea pig one day J but most of all I will have me and I will continue to be the best me I can be!


Comes the Dawn

Veronica Shorffstall, 1971

After a while you learn the subtle difference
Between holding a hand and chaining a soul,

And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
And company doesn't mean security,

And you begin to understand that kisses aren't contracts
And presents aren't promises.

And you begin to accept your defeats
With your head held high and your eyes open,

With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.
You learn to build your roads

On today because tomorrow's ground
Is too uncertain for plans, and futures have

A way of falling down in midflight.
After a while you learn that even sunshine

Burns if you get too much.
So you plant your own garden and decorate

Your own soul, instead of waiting
For someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn that you can really endure,
That you really are strong

And you really do have worth
And you learn and learn ... and you learn

With every goodbye you learn.


The Federal Law has not passed laws to govern cosmetic safety in over 70 years! I for one find this infuriating.  With all of the focus on healthy lifestyles, how come no one reads there beauty product labels?  And when I say beauty products I mean, what you wash your face with, what you wash your hair with, what you lotion yourself with… not to mention what you are putting on your children.  READ YOUR LABELS! The amount of toxic chemicals that we use on daily basis is astronomical! I am proud to say I support Beautycounters mission to regulate all beauty products to be safe and effective! The importance of safe and effective products cannot be overstated… think about what you put ON your body, you put IN your body… you and your family deserve only the best! Check out the never list on my website and see how many unsafe products you use daily!